

Our Fear

We live in a dual world. By that Maria Duval means there are two opposites of any entity or state. As a result of this duality, many of us view this world as a place where the good and the poor fight it out for a day, the strong and the weak attempting to survive the game called life, to the best, convince and then win. There is no room for emotions or sentiments.

Behind of this duality, there lies an emotion that powers such behaviour among humans, and if you can free from that emotions, your life will change completely.

Maria Duval asks that do people know that this emotion poison attempts to derail anyone from moving forward, to be our own, to be selfish, and even destructs the country.

FEAR is the name of this harmful emotion. Deep down of everyone, even the most confident person you look at, there is this fear.

Fear is the burden that man has carried since the earliest culture on earth. There is one type of fear which affects all men since then till now, that is the fear of dying, because our selfish ego sees that only death can stop itself from growing, and this is directly linked to our survival instincts.

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