

Maria Duval Tribute

Dearest Maria,

Please forgive me for taking this long to write, I have no reason for my actions and please accept my apology. Yes! I have had quite a few amazing experiences since making contact with you.

I have won $720.00 in September 2006 on the lottery and I have won numerous jackpots playing the gambling machines in the last couple of months too. Simply amazing! Yes, just like "magic" a billion blessings to you.

I would not have believed such things were possible but just like you said, believe, be open-minded and everything you want in life is so possible beyond you wildest dreams.

Once again, thank you for opening my mind up to reality "simply amazing". And yes you have my permission to print this letter as a testimony to your power and ability as a psychic.

God bless
Your Friend
Mere T.


Welcome to my blog about Maria Duval

Hi, I welcome you to my new blog. I am still learning blogging and I will try to post as much as I can but this blog is mainly dedicated to Mdm Maria Duval as she has a huge influence in my life and this blog is my tribute to her.