We are looking at the feet of 2010 now. Yes, a brand new year is coming soon and is knocking at your doors. How are you going to greet it? This is the point of the outgoing and the incoming and this transition always promises a lot of hope and possibilities. A brand new opportunity to many people.
Maria Duval suggests a few pointers to kickstart your 2010:
Make Resolutions
New Year is never complete without making yourself new resolutions. Make meaningful resolutions that are meant to make positive changes in your life. Also, make sure to stick to these resolutions vehemently.
Remove the Clutter
If you are free on 1 Jan, you can spend a bit of time to get rid of the clutter that has been sleeping at the corner of your room. Recycle it as much as your can. You can also tidy your work desk or bedroom. This also means you wish to remove the bad emotional clutter from your life.
Physical Checkup
Nothing beats a healthy soul and body.
Visit your GP for a complete physical checkup so that you can deal with any diseases before it is ready to strike you. A timely checkup will also make you ready with a better health to greet the New Year.
Have a Happy New Year 2010!
Happy New Year
Maria Duval - How to wear your planetary seal
Now that you have found out which is your planetary seal, it is time to put to good positive use to optimise its effectiveness.
If you doubt yourself, if you have fits of anguish, unexplained fears, feeling of weakness, if you feel empty, sad or indifferent to everything, this planetary seal you are holding can give you back a taste for living, and inspire you with enthusiasm and energy.
For this to happen, you must have it constantly on your person. Rather than putting it in one of your pockets, tie your planetary seal, which Maria Duval wants to remind you that it should be rolled up and placed in a square of material tied at the 4 corners, with a piece of wool long enough for it to be able to go around your neck so that your Seal rests on your chest at the middle of the breastbone.
In time of need, put your right hand on your Seal over your clothes and say quietly:
"Seal of (name of your Seal)
I feel your presence
Seal of (name of your Seal)
Watch over me
Thanks to you, (name of your Seal)
I am filled with strength and joy."
Maria Duval suggests to repeat this prayer for at least 5 times before resuming the course of your activities.
Wish you have a great and wonderful 2010 ahead.