Many people are consumed by their own fears and doubts. The stakes of survival are high in this ever competitive modern world hence people suffer as a result of these mental overdoes. Spiritually they are "blocked" too and you just have to look around you to realise that a simple word or phrase and everything they try to say after is pointless and just makes things worse.
Clairvoyant Maria Duval reminds us that this word or phrase can have significant consequences; spoken at a sensitive point, it can make someone do something or think something that conditions the whole of the rest of their life. Hence we are actually all magicians. With our words we can cast spells on others, or release spells.
Maria Duval gives this valid example of the power of words. Let say you talk to a friend and comment, "you are not looking well at this moment and you look like you are suffering from some serious illnesses like cancer." If you friend agrees to what you say, very soon, your friend will contract the serious illness too. That's how anyone can cast a spell through the power of words.
Casting a spell
A force not to be ignored
Words are a type of force which you cannot simply ignore its impact in your life. Besides representing your capacity to express yourself and to communicate, words make you think and therefore able to create events in your life.
Clairvoyant Maria Duval likens words to a magic instrument as they are imaginative and can free your or enslave you more than you could imagine. Like a double-edged sword, your word can create the most beautiful dreams, beauty, love, paradise but when use in a wrong way, they are destructive enough to bring chaos to your life.
For example, the words of a lawyer may save you from legislative troubles and words from a dictative tyrant can bring untold pains to the nation. So you can assume that words are like seeds that grow in your mind.
Having written so much about words and thoughts, now have you realised to see just how much influence they have in your life?
Words are not just sounds or written symbols
Today is the first day of 2008 and I woke up early to experience the beautiful surroundings at a park near my house. I had a short meditation there under the cool air and chirping birds and it really felt wonderful. After a night with friends gathered for the countdown to the new year, I was feeling quite tired this morning but I still force myself to get out of the comfort zone.
Right back to the topic about thoughts and words, if, in everyday life, people are unaware of this because most of the people speak a lot and more importantly, issue judgements, wishes and contradictory feelings without distinction. Clairvoyant Maria Duvals says this makes it impossible for people to identify the direct consequence of their words. Also, due to their false belief system, all they are often doing is repeating ideas that are heard.
Similarly, Maria Duval teaches that words not just sounds or written symbols. They are a valid force that represents your capacity to express and to communicate.
Goodbye, 2007!
Times definitely flies. 2007 is soon going to be history. What have you done and achieved in this year? I really hope the world can be more peaceful and people will show more love to each other regardless of race and religion. Less political violence and be more tolerant to each other. That's why I'm very appalled by the shooting recently.
All in all, I'm glad to be practising spirituality this 2007. It makes me think and ponder about the meaning and fragility of us. Thanks for psychic Maria Duval though for her guidances all along. Also, it's important that we as superior living things respect each other and also towards all other living things that share our planet.
I hope year 2008 will bring more peace, joy and prosperity to many of us.
Happy New Year!
Natural form of energy
When we think and we voice out our thoughts, the thought energy is multiplied and its power increases significantly. Maria Duval says that in such a case, the meaning of the word is increased by purely physical vibratory energy, even if it is uttered in whisper. These vibrations are just as efficient when expressed in a unknown language.
It is interesting to note that both words and thoughts act on living things. This isn't some magic power or special ability. It is natural. In other words, when you speak, you have an impact on your entire environment and yourself, body and your mind.
Words and thoughts
Right, after a few days off, I'm back to the spiritual stuff.
Previously I talk about the power of words and we should not underestimate its effect on our lives.
Now we humans are so accustomed to "profligating" our words that we express surprises when we come to know that its a source of power. Our thoughts which are polluted by a false system of beliefs are filled with subconscious fear. That's why clairvoyant Maria Duval has stated that we have in fact fact lose some of our inherent energy and natural powers.
In spiritual realm, it is extremely important to know that a thought is a form of energy. Every thought that comes out of us is "recorded" in the universal ether and this mental energy has different colours of emotions, thoughts and reflections.