

Universal Energy, Time and Money

Universal Energy fills everywhere, from your surrounding to the stars in outer space.

This Energy, the source of all life, is present at each level of Creation, from the macrocosm to the mircocosm: galaxies, solar systems, planets, living organisms (plants, animals and humans), the cells which make up a living organism, molecules, atoms and electrons.

Time runs in a cyclical fashion, because the Earth turns on itself (day/night) and around the Sun (seasons).

Any vital process, with its different stages (birth/growth/death) ~ rebirth/growth/death) is governed by the cycle of time, whatever level it is on. There is therefore a close link between time and the Creative Energy.

This means that any person operating in harmony with the cycle of time has the ability to understake the right action at the right time and so his initiatives are "automatically" fuelled and supported by the Universal Energy.

In short, he will see his projects or tasks being accomplished easily and efficiently in due course.

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