In 2004, I felt very sad that Julia Child has passed away. She has certainly influenced the cooking style of my mom who cooked delicious food for us when all of us were much younger, especially with the epic "Mastering The Art Of French Cooking" book. This week is her 100th anniverary of her birth and many foodies around the world are specially cooking up Child-inspired menus to commenorate her.
Here is her video teaching chef wannabes how to saute chick.
The magic about her recipes is that they are all very easy to follow. As long as you can do it step by step according to the instructions, anyone can make delicious French food, and there is no other secrets. It also teaches you how to select the ingredients and the easiest way to mix them together all right to the finishing touches. Even I am surprised I can be such a great cook!
Its no wonder she has influenced so many famous chefs today.
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