

Psychic Maria Duval: Spiritual body, Origin of all

Psychic and clairvoyant Maria Duval says, the spiritual body is the origin of all the other bodies. It is the substance of your being. It is what brings you nearer to the divine kingdom, in human form.

Your spiritual body is the body of light of the Buddhists or the body of glory of Christians. It is what remains of your lost divinity.

In a world where material is getting more and more high up in the priority of human objectives, the spiritual body is stifled and losses itself in the maze of modern life. Pushed by stress, the spiritual body withdraws into the physical body, from which it either detaches itself on earth on death, or separates itself to be reincarnated and take up a new body.

The spiritual body is the seat of the spirit, says psychic Maria Duval. It is the main body that we call God. In fact, the casual body is the principle behind all things in our life: without it we could not live. Then different layers are superimpose onto it: the psychological and physical layers. The word (the thought of God) having taken a body (taken form) through the intermediary of the physical body has given birth to other bodies.

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