

We assume that everyone sees the world as we see it

Psychic Maria Duval says, there is a lot of times when we assume that everyone sees the world as we see it, that others think as we think, that they feel things in the same way we do and judge the way we judge - that's the most significant assumptions people make.

This is why people worry about being themselves with other people. We think they will judge us, treat us badly and criticise us, as we do ourselves. And, even before someone can reject us, we reject ourselves; that's how human minds work.

Think about how we also make assumptions about ourselves, we leads to too much inner conflicts:"I think I can do such or such a thing". You assume it, and then you discover that it's not that case.

If this sort of things happens to you, take time to ask yourself the right questions and answer them: Perhaps you need to reflect on what it is you really want? If you do this you will avoid overestimating and underestimating your potential.

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