

Maria Duval: live without fear

When someone says things which you think are hurting you deeply, and you feel life is so unfair to you. But actually, this is not the case. It is not what other people may say to you that is hurtful, it's your own inner wounds that react when touched by these words. You are hurting yourself, as what Maria Duval states.

It's not a case of not having faith in others, not believing people, but rather of being aware that others see the world through different eyes.

When you practise true words, you stop using the opinions of others as a pretext for getting annoyed, irritated and angry, for preening yourself, boasting or convincing yourself that "all is well".

If you love yourself, if you live without fear, these emotions will have no place in you. And if you don't feel any of these negative emotions like anxiety, anger, hatred, envy, sadness, shame etc, you will feel good and those around you will see you for who you really are and you will feel at peace and fulfilled in your life.

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