

Allow yourself to be carried by your intuition

Psychic Maria Duval teaches that to find God, you must get out of your mind and your own dual thoughts, to access your heart. Allow yourself to be carried by your intuition and the love that resides deep within you.

The common belief that you exist because you have a body of flesh and thoughts and that everything finishes when you die comes from false mental identifications. In other words, your mind can kill you, little by little.

So to sum up, Maria Duval believes that he who is not free from the mind will be incessantly reborn, passing from body to body, chained to his identifications and desires that will always find a way and a hideout to continue.

By identifying with this mind, man has the illusion that the material world will make him happy, that when he has fulfilled his desires everything will be better. One desire will lead to another thus it's a vicious cycle.

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