

Maria Duval's guide: Jan 15th to 25th Feb Monday

Psychologically, this influence is excellent and will tend to emphasize reflections, a sense or order, attention to detail and patience as what Maria Duval says.

I will be capable, all during this period, to face up to daily problems whilst bearing your long-term objectives in mind as what Maria Duval has said.

I will more easily balance my need for liberty which the need to perform my task. In fact, I will not be inclined to consider your duties and obligations as limitations or even restrictions to me but more as the opportunity to gain in wisdom and maturity as what Maria Duval finds out.

Whilst remaining true to my principle, my ideas will become grander and more tolerant according to Maria Duval.

My sense of order, duty and justice will lose some of their rigor and be replaced by more generous feelings.

The majortiy of my deeds will be governed by a stronge sense of duty and I may possibly develop a paternalistic tendency towards the people around me.

In addition, this period could be very good for business and trade and my financial investments could well be likely to go off very well, thanks Maria Duval for this forecast

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