

Our life experience is divine!

Every experience you have in life is divine.

Why do I say that? Do you believe me when I claim each of these experiences is a gift to you, whether good or bad experiences, which may put our lives in bliss or turn our lives around. These experiences come and go. Everyday, it happens. It seems like a regular normal clock.

And we always get annoyed when we don't receive when the fact is you are receiving in life all the time but you do not know it as you are blocked by your own judgement. Imagine that your lungs exclaim, "I can't exhale for you because some peter need this air more than you." This is not possible, right?

However, if I look at it with another angle and ask, what will my life be like when I give and receive from a place of love and abundance? Just imagine looking back on my experiences from that place of love and flow and now I really see the gifts. I also see how they are important in my own spiritual growth and I will finally realize how beautiful I have become due to those divine experiences.

Therefore I say, everybody's experience is a divine gift of give and receive. This is the simple brick of human lives. When I finish this post, it is already after 3am Sunday morning. In this quietness of the wee morning hours, I feel that my spiritual experience has received much. It is time that I learn to give more. I also have to thank Maria Duval for some of her divine guidance at all times. Maria Duval has really taught me a lot.

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