

Maria Duval: True love comes from unconditional giving

Maria Duval says in her book that true love is nurtured by unconditional giving. It does not mean needing the other person. All of a person's inner wealth must be shared with the partner because it is important to know this idea that the partner can often act as a 'mirror' to reflect your self so that you will know yourself better. It is for this reason that we should experience the relationship intensely and generously without asking anything in return.

Maria Duval also explains that to promote a happy and harmonious life, make every effort to develop these virtues or qualities:

Love: it is a factor in marriage, unity and sharing.

Tenderness: it takes the form of a sincere concern for the well-being of the person you love.

Understanding: this means listening to and understanding what your partner is trying to tell you.

Respect: it consists of acceding to the desires of your beloved, not through fear.

Gratitude: we talk about this often and this is a natural reaction in response to the efforts or kindly attitude of your partner towards you.

Appreciation: it goes hand in hand with gratitude and demonstrates that you accept with good grace the gift offered to you.

Trust: it comes as a reward for the honesty, serious-mindedness, probity and sincerity of your partner.

Maria Duval advises all people who want to have a better spiritual life to think about these seven factors as they are likely to give you valuable guidance regarding how you behave and attitude to adopt in a fulfilling and spiritual relationship.

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