

Spiritual energy imbalance in your house - Maria Duval

Today I want to discuss about an interesting subject I read from a book by Maria Duval.

I begin by saying adults have generally lost the spiritual 'sensitivity'. Too much of artificial living conditions have eroded adults' instinct. Almost all adults never listen to their intuition and they decide with their reasonings! Maria Duval will agree on this point too!

Babies or young children are different. They can instinctively sense a 'disturbed' zone where they feel ill at ease. If every morning you find that your baby is sleeping at the end of the bed, or another way round, this could mean your child is trying to escape from a harmful spot in your house. This spot I mean refers to a position in your house where there is imbalance between cosmic and telluric waves that it sucks the vital energy as what I learn from Maria Duval.

It is also interesting to study the spot where you pet sleeps. The spot where your pet sleeps may mean that location is 'more positive' compared to others. Same theory applies to the insects too.

Maria Duval says these harmful spots exist because the earth is a huge magnetic field and earth's natural magnetic lines may interfere with man-made radiations like radio waves, telecommunication waves, TVs, microwaves and other modern devices. It is therefore imperative to get rid of these harmful waves in your home so that you can have a spiritually peaceful living.

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