

Maria Duval on Money as a Symbol

One is unable to quantify money until one puts the mind how and on what to use it. It is through this impression that gives money as a symbol for power and success. With this statement, it goes to show that money is just a tool or simply a medium.

Similarly, your mind is also just a tool and it has the power to make money work for you when and how in the ways you want it to work for you. Therefore, in the end, it is your own mind and determination and thoughts that will give money its best quality to represent you as the owner. Hence without you being the owner, money is just a stack of papers that needs you to give it "life".

Maria Duval adds that it is us that programme its use, and from there, it takes on a very different link between you and your money. A very close relationship. The nice thing about this lies in the way you utilise your money, and making it circulate for you and increase its spiritual energy for you. Therefore it is a magic creative act.

To sum up, Maria Duval has just taught you one important fundamental, which is the magic action of the mind over money.

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margret said...

Good Morning Maria

You all ways email me but that was two years ago my hudsbin and I are still just getting along and working from paycheck to paycheck I try to do the thing you ask but they just didn't work out and we are still down and out
I enjoy read all your letter and email you send.

Mere T. said...

Dear margret,

Thanks for your comment. I am not Maria Duval, just someone who has benefitted from her psychic guidance.

Sometimes things just do not work out and primarily from what i see is that it is all due to thoughts. We think that we will not succeed or we do not deserve the best in life. Change this mindset and I am sure something positive will work out.

Yes, Maria says lucky period could be coming our ways yet it is up to us to create the right environments in life to grasp those lucky periods.

In the mean time, if things do not work your way, you can always ask for refunds..yes, she really honours it.

Mere T. :)